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CardName: Knightly Destrier Cost: 1W Type: Enchantment Creature - Horse Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: Bestow {4}{W}(If you cast this card for its bestow cost, it's an Aura spell with enchant creature. It becomes a creature again if it's not attached to a creature.) First Strike Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 and has first strike. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Snap Common

Knightly Destrier
Colour indicator W Enchantment Creature – Horse
Bestow {4}{w}(If you cast this card for its bestow cost, it's an Aura spell with enchant creature. It becomes a creature again if it's not attached to a creature.)
First Strike
Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 and has first strike.
Updated on 13 Nov 2014 by Camruth


History: [-]

2011-01-05 10:35:13: Camruth created the card Knightly Destrier
2011-01-05 10:42:35: Camruth commented on Knightly Destrier

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2011-01-05 14:34:43: Camruth commented on Knightly Destrier
2011-01-05 14:35:32: Camruth commented on Knightly Destrier

I have seen a lot of discussion, especially on the Magic Wiki about "Mount" creatures and how messy it was to have creatures attach to other creatures in the various ways. Given that there was already a 'mechanic' in existence that would serve this purpose, I created this card, Assault Pachyderm and Riding Hippocampus as my examples.

2011-01-05 14:38:46: Camruth commented on Knightly Destrier

finally got it to work.

Problem is, this mechanic wasn't very popular. Matching up the sizes and abilities is very sensible, but it makes it less appealing to activate the abilities in many cases. They're reminiscent of the Pearlspear Courier cycle, which also didn't make much of a splash.

2011-01-05 22:15:48: Camruth edited Knightly Destrier

Yeah, I remember the cycle. It is a tough design space to get right, I decided to go this path as it was the easisest to implement. If it was presented correctly - which is why I added the 'Mount' subtype - It could be saved. May need more work though.

on 27 May 2011 by Visitor:

Perhaps mounts cannot attack or block? After all, without a rider, they wouldn't engage in combat. This can make them more efficient in the bonus they empart.
Alternate idea: Won't attack or block alone, or without a rider.

I considered giving them defender. As they stand now, they need work as playtesting has shown their ability gets used in the declare blockers step after blockers are assigned to boost unblocked creatures and then untapped ready for spot boosting again. Hmm maybe it should be played as a sorcery? (but that makes them worse again)

2011-05-28 08:01:11: Camruth edited Knightly Destrier

Hmm giving them all defender and a cheaper cost is one possibility.

2011-05-28 08:02:00: Camruth edited Knightly Destrier
2012-03-24 02:14:26: Camruth edited Knightly Destrier
2014-01-12 07:00:24: Camruth edited Knightly Destrier:

Changed from a DF card to a bestow creature a'la Theros

Argle, multipost.

I like this use of tech to get what you want. Still stupidly wordy in the reminder text, but does kinda capture "Even if you kill the rider, the horse lives on!" part. Though, um, you can't kill the horse first. Which is a bit odd. And you can Disenchant it. So I guess it's a horse made of pure magic?

So I guess when the error message "Applicaiton not avaiable" came up, it had heard my post after all.

Yeah it not perfect but bestow is the best work around for it so far, used to use DFCs but they are so unwieldy and not popular. At least you can drop the reminder text for rare/mythic ones.

FWIW DFCs are allegedly quite popular among players as a whole. There are many people like myself who get rather annoyed at the physical unwieldiness and faff of playing with them, but we're a minority.

so we have two options both with their supporters and detractors. With DFC's I always kept copies of the "other side" with my sideboard in different coloured sleeves to the rest of the deck...transform time? put the copy on top of original and hey presto problem solved. (not for all especially with some of the rare & mythic cards)

I like DFCs in concept quite a bit. They are tons of fun to design. I don't really enjoy playing with them in paper Magic, but I like the idea of them more than I dislike that, so it balances out.

on 13 Nov 2014 by Solowaypt:

wow, awesome blog post. Cool.

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