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CardName: Battlefield Tactics Cost: 3rr Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Creatures target opponent controls can't block this turn. Life loss can't be prevented until end of turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Haith Uncommon

Battlefield Tactics
Creatures target opponent controls can't block this turn. Life loss can't be prevented until end of turn.
Updated on 22 Jan 2013 by raggarn12345

History: [-]

2013-01-20 20:27:26: raggarn12345 created the card Battlefield Tactics

­Falter used to be a lot cheaper. Order // Chaos is better than this in several ways.

True but i feel that this is a bomb and in limited this card alone can win a game. i think this is a correct cost for the card tbh, escpecially in a set with Energize. The Energize creatures also benefit from high CC so it fits well!

Can't you at least add some extra text so it's not worse than Chaos in two ways? Something like Ember Gale or Tectonic Rift.

­Falter effects do serve an important role in Limited, but I think calling them "bombs" is overstating things.

2013-01-22 18:22:47: raggarn12345 edited Battlefield Tactics:

added lifeloss mechanic.

How about now?

Assuming there's some decent life loss prevention in set; I can see this.

And I disagree with Alex - things like "All my creatures have fear UEOT" I certainly see as "Ok, I can draft 1 or 2, and they will be my win condition"

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