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CardName: Karn's Heartspark Cost: 4 Type: Legendary Artifact - Powerstone Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: {T}: Add {C}{C}. You can't spend this mana to cast nonartifact spells. Put a loyalty counter on target permanent you control. Flavour Text: Venser's spark saved Karn from the phyrexians once. It wasn't about to die during round 2. Set/Rarity: Cards With No Home Rare

Karn's Heartspark
Legendary Artifact – Powerstone
{t}: Add {c}{c}. You can't spend this mana to cast nonartifact spells. Put a loyalty counter on target permanent you control.
Venser's spark saved Karn from the phyrexians once. It wasn't about to die during round 2.
Updated on 13 Nov 2024 by Izaac

History: [-]

2024-10-12 01:31:20: Izaac created the card Karn's Heartspark
2024-10-12 01:32:34: Izaac edited Karn's Heartspark

This exists in an alternate timeframe when Karn actually perished at the hands of Elesh Norn but his heart was able to be salvaged.

I like the alternate timeline concept. The flavor text communicates the idea in a pretty sloppy way.

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