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CardName: Sheherazad, fateful storyteller Cost: {2}{w}{r} Type: Legendary Creature - Human advisor Pow/Tgh: 0/2 Rules Text: When this card enters the battlefield, players play a Magic subgame, using their libraries as their decks. This creature's controller starts the subgame with this card on the battlefield. During the subgame, all players start at 5 life. If a player plays a legendary card, they win the subgame. The winner of the subgame gains 10 life, draws 2 cards and deals 10 damage to every other player {W}{r},{t}: gain 1 life, deal 1 damage to target opponent Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Cards With No Home Mythic When this card enters the battlefield, players play a Magic subgame, using their libraries as their decks. This creature's controller starts the subgame with this card on the battlefield. During the subgame, all players start at 5 life. If a player plays a legendary card, they win the subgame. The winner of the subgame gains 10 life, draws 2 cards and deals 10 damage to every other player
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Putting a sorcery as an ETB effect onto a negligible body doesn't strike me as the best place.
I also especially hate how you have to scoop up your whole game, then play an entire different game (which may take a few seconds if you draw a Mountain and a Shock or Norin, the Wary in your opening hand) and then you get to re-create your potentially very complicated game state.
The current official wording of Shahrazad already covers "leave the game as it is",so I'm not certain why you choose to alter the wording of the effect (at least before the "This creature's controller"-clause)
Starting the subgame at 1 life and giving one player this direct damage source that by default wins the game regularly on turn 2 mans two things:
I'll also mention that the card draw is an off-color reward for a red-white card.
Subgame cards are not trivial to design, but this one actively fights itself. I'd prefer the card without moving Sheherazad, fateful storyteller into the subgame, for starters.
Alternatively give it a rummaging/looting effect of the ability to gain life, which will be a clear advantage, but won't just outright win the subgame by itself (plus some mana).
I see entirely no good reason to have the "legendary card" win condition for the subgame on this card. It seems nice to have an alternate win condition in a subgame that doesn't start at 1 life.I also could see an alternative subgame ending condition, but that clause on this card adds words without notably improving the gameplay.