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CardName: Stirring Volcano Cost: Type: Land Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: {T}: Add {c} to your mana pool and put an activity counter on Stirring Volcano. {T}: Add {R} to your mana pool for each activity counter on Stirring Volcano. Then sacrifice Stirring Volcano. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Storm Uncommon

Stirring Volcano
{t}: Add {c} to your mana pool and put an activity counter on Stirring Volcano.
{t}: Add {r} to your mana pool for each activity counter on Stirring Volcano. Then sacrifice Stirring Volcano.
Updated on 27 Sep 2017 by Camruth


History: [-]

2012-03-18 04:15:02: Camruth created the card Stirring Volcano

Hmm a bit stuck on this one so I thought I'd throw it open to the group. The three abilities I am currently tossing up between to add to this are:
{r}, Remove an activity counter from ~: ~ deals 1 damage to target creature or player.

­{r}{r}, Remove X activity counters from ~: ~ deals X damage to all creatures and players. Then sacrifice ~.

­{t}: Add {r} to your mana pool for each activity counter on ~. Then sacrifice ~.

Big differences between them

2012-03-18 04:18:42: Camruth edited Stirring Volcano

I like the first one best.

Ha! If you added no ability, this would be one of the rare times when I didn't complain about 'better than Mountain'. :D

I kind of like land to do 'mana-y' things so that opponents don't have to think about them. When not doing that, I'd like them to do 'one and done' so that opponents only have to think about them for so long. That being the case Dude and I are at odds. In reality, all of them seem workable.

I think I like the mana one (no.3) best as it is simple and Mana accel is as red as damage nowadays.
Plus it creates tension - "how long do I continue to build it up and risk losing it?" on the player's side
"How do I get rid of this before it erupts" on the opponent's side.

2012-03-18 06:15:11: Camruth edited Stirring Volcano

A fascinating tweak on storage lands. I like it.

Yeah I'm quite happy with how it turned out. I could see this stretching to a full cycle of lands like this. Though I'm not sure if this is strong enough to be a rare.

2012-03-30 10:15:16: Camruth edited Stirring Volcano
2017-09-27 05:19:02: Camruth edited Stirring Volcano

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