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CardName: Humble Shipwright Cost: W Type: Creature - Human Citizen Pow/Tgh: 1/2 Rules Text: Purify {W} ({W}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Create a 1/1 white spirit token with flying. Purify only as a sorcery.) Flavour Text: His ships make a journey as his soul waits in its shell. Set/Rarity: Branches of Skavjando Common

Humble Shipwright
Creature – Human Citizen
Purify {w} ({w}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Create a 1/1 white spirit token with flying. Purify only as a sorcery.)
His ships make a journey as his soul waits in its shell.
Updated on 18 Nov 2022 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2020-05-26 18:12:16: Sorrow created the card Humble Shipwright
2022-04-12 22:02:45: Sorrow edited Humble Shipwright:

changed Laborer to Citizen

That purify cost seems cheap.

Compare Chatter of the Squirrel without flying.

­Lingering Souls was not exactly a common.

Hmm. There is the argument that this needs to die first whereas a Flashback cost could be paid and played the same turn.

Lingering Souls also makes two tokens, and Purify by itself never makes more than one token. I also have to wonder how much worth of flying adds as there are cards with a purify cost of {b} whose tokens have the evasionless lifelink instead of flying.

I think this card might be fine enough to go towards playtesting, but Redeemer of Souls will need to be adjusted.

The issue is far less about dying and then exiling the creature for a token and far more about milling/discarding the card to get virtual free card advantage for an evasive token creation spell.

That free card advantage could only be balanced from the permanent side of the card, if you made it really horrible (where 1/2 for one mana is itself not a card you seek to play, but even a 1/1 that leaves a token behind is usually really good). The balance must come from the activation cost from the graveyard calculating in the free cantrip - compare and contrast Expandable Lackey, Fairgrounds Patrol, Dauntless Cathar.

Just stumbled about those cards, so I wanted to leave a follow-up comment.

[Doomed Traveler gets 1/1 flying Spirit on death trigger. White gets 1/1 fliers for {w}. Milling or discarding must either be done by the opponent or inflicted by the player themself. Dredge gets new toys maybe at best? If the opponent was source of that discarding or milling, then stinks to be them as sometimes happens when playing those strategies.

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