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CardName: Infinite Recursion Cost: UUUUU Type: Enchantment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If a card would go to the graveyard, it goes to the bottom of it's owner's library instead. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: From The Vaults Rare

Infinite Recursion
If a card would go to the graveyard, it goes to the bottom of it's owner's library instead.
Created on 19 Dec 2011 by theunansweredquestion

History: [-]

2011-12-19 21:37:39: theunansweredquestion created the card Infinite Recursion

­Wheel of Sun and Moon. Perhaps this could cost less?

The Wheel is better and costs 2. Pulling a number out of thin air, I would cost this {3}{u}.

The wheel isn't strictly better, since this effects all players, and you could make good use out of a deck that shuffles a lot, while randomly smashing graveyard recursive decks.

That being said, yeah, too much. I won't speculate how much, though.

Like Wheel, this needs to reveal any cards it sends to the library, because of cards like Fauna Shaman where all players need to be able to verify that the card you just discarded can legally satisfy the cost.

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