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CardName: Mystic Artisan Cost: WW Type: Creature - Human Citizen Pow/Tgh: 1/2 Rules Text: {T}: Carve a White Rune (Create a white Rune enchantment token with "{w}, Sacrifice this enchantment: Target creature gets +1/+1 and gains vigilance until end of turn."). Transform Mystic Artisan at the beginning of each combat. Flavour Text: Carving a single rune can take hours. Back side: CardName: Scion of the Ethereal Cost: Type: Creature - Human Warrior Wizard Pow/Tgh: 2/2 Rules Text: As long as you control seven or more enchantments, enchanted creatures you control have first strike and vigilance. Transform Scion of the Ethereal at the end of each combat. Flavour Text: The craft is steeped in magics greater than you imagined. Set/Rarity: Branches of Skavjando Uncommon

Mystic Artisan
Creature – Human Citizen
{t}: Carve a White Rune (Create a white Rune enchantment token with "{w}, Sacrifice this enchantment: Target creature gets +1/+1 and gains vigilance until end of turn.").
Transform Mystic Artisan at the beginning of each combat.
Carving a single rune can take hours.
Scion of the Ethereal
Creature – Human Warrior Wizard
As long as you control seven or more enchantments, enchanted creatures you control have first strike and vigilance.
Transform Scion of the Ethereal at the end of each combat.
The craft is steeped in magics greater than you imagined.
Updated on 12 Apr 2022 by Sorrow


2020-04-26 18:07:18: Sorrow created and commented on the card Mystic Artisan

I overuse the word mystic, but I couldn't think of any other name for the front face.

2022-04-12 22:02:27: Sorrow edited Mystic Artisan:

changed Laborer to Citizen

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