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CardName: Blackheart Soul Cost: {1}{B} Type: Creature - Imp Pow/Tgh: 2/1 Rules Text: Flying Purify {B} ({B}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Create a 1/1 black spirit token with lifelink. Purify only as a sorcery) Flavour Text: "Beneath the hate and despair I'm sure there's someone who was once good."- Naoja Set/Rarity: Branches of Skavjando Common

Blackheart Soul
Creature – Imp
Purify {b} ({b}, Exile this card from your graveyard: Create a 1/1 black spirit token with lifelink. Purify only as a sorcery)
"Beneath the hate and despair I'm sure there's someone who was once good."- Naoja
Updated on 24 May 2020 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2020-03-30 09:25:12: Sorrow created the card Blackheart Soul
2020-03-30 09:27:46: Sorrow edited Blackheart Soul

Demons don't appear at common. They're {b}'s Iconic creature, reserved for rares and mythics. Also, they are normally at least 4/4, IIRC. A 2/1 doesn't really scream Demon!

A perfect alternative for this card might be Imp. Imp would be more appropriate. Imp would fit better here. I really like Imp as a choice instead. Imp would increase the monetary value of this card on the secondary market. I guarantee that making this card an Imp will increase your happiness. Imp only wants what's best for you. Imp loves you.

  • This post brought to you by, Imp Gang

There's at least three pure demons at common, though two are from Avacyn Restored, so they have the that world on their side. But, they are usually larger. I could switch to Imp here. I only chose demon because it was first came to mind when thinking of the concept, someone corrupted/magically influenced and turned into a monstrous caricature of themself.

2020-05-24 10:22:43: Sorrow edited Blackheart Soul:

Type changed from demon to imp.

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