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CardName: Cleavespell Viking Cost: {2}{R} Type: Creature - Human Berserker Pow/Tgh: 3/1 Rules Text: Haste At the beginning of your end step, sacrifice Cleavespell Viking and Carve a Red Rune (Create a Red Rune enchantment token with "{R}, Sacrifice this enchantment: Deal 1 damage to any target."). Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Branches of Skavjando Common

Cleavespell Viking
Creature – Human Berserker
At the beginning of your end step, sacrifice Cleavespell Viking and Carve a Red Rune (Create a Red Rune enchantment token with "{r}, Sacrifice this enchantment: Deal 1 damage to any target.").
Updated on 27 Mar 2020 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2020-03-27 07:23:57: Sorrow created the card Cleavespell Viking

What does hate do?

It's highly dubious how happy I would be to have the Rune over the body. The mandatory sacrifice seems like an aspect that is weirdly preventing me from attacking with this viking.

2020-03-27 10:11:14: Sorrow edited Cleavespell Viking

Hate was a typo. I was going for the elemental with haste and dies at the end of the turn thing that red gets. I thought that if it didn't get bodied by a creature (and presumably die with its 1 toughness), you could get a red rune.

I think gaining a Rune is alright, but right now the "Sacrifice this at end of turn"-part is missing, which means this easily could stick around as a defensive creature (3 power can trade with some sizable threats and discourage them from attacking).

How about: "At the beginning of your end step, sacrifice ~. Then if ~ has dealt damage to an opponent this turn, carve a red Rune." That way it's actually some sort of Arc Runner. Actually, you wouldn'T need the if-clause:

> "At the beginning of your end step, sacrifice ~ and carve a red Rune."

I actually think it would be even better the other way around: A red Rune could easily serve as post-combat removal of a creature that has been dealt nonlethal damage blocking Cleavespell Viking. That would lead to less common-friendly wording though... But I'd still suggest the above option.

2020-03-27 16:51:01: Sorrow edited Cleavespell Viking:

Edited to SecreetInfiltrator's suggestion.

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