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CardName: Hiejild, Beast Mother Cost: {6}{G}{G} Type: Legendary Creature - Hag Beast Pow/Tgh: 7/9 Rules Text: Hexproof, indestructible Whenever a creature with an Aura or Equipment attached to it deals damage to Hiejild, Beast Mother, Hiejild loses indestructible until end of turn. Beast spells you cast cost {3} less. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Branches of Skavjando Mythic

Hiejild, Beast Mother
Legendary Creature – Hag Beast
Hexproof, indestructible
Whenever a creature with an Aura or Equipment attached to it deals damage to Hiejild, Beast Mother, Hiejild loses indestructible until end of turn.
Beast spells you cast cost {3} less.
Updated on 07 Nov 2022 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2020-03-14 17:58:16: Sorrow created and commented on the card Hiejild, Beast Mother

Made legendary because the card felt like it wanted to be a commander. Of course the inspiration doesn't have a name :p

Maybre second ability should just be "prevent all damage that would be dealt to ~ by creatures without artifacts or enchantments attached to them"?

2022-11-06 23:17:56: Sorrow edited Hiejild, Beast Mother:

Removed "~ can't be destroyed by creatures without equipment or enchantments attached to them." replaced with indestructible and "Whenever a creature with an Aura or Equipment attached to it deals damage to ~, ~ loses indestructible UEOT." The intention I have is the same, but I think this is the correct, or at least more clear wording.

This wording works, although to make it a little more obvious, you could make the trigger "whenever it blocks or is blocked by a creature ..."

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