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CardName: An Aged Fletcher Cost: {4}{R}{W} Type: Legendary Creature - Dwarf Citizen Pow/Tgh: 2/6 Rules Text: Reach At the beginning of each combat phase, target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains reach until end of turn. If An Aged Fletcher would die, transform him instead. Flavour Text: Back side: CardName: Chisodr, Father of Souls Cost: Type: Legendary Creature - God Pow/Tgh: 6/6 Rules Text: Indestructible Wherever you cast an instant or sorcery choose 1: •Destroy target artifact or enchantment. •Deal 2 damage to any target. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Branches of Skavjando Mythic

An Aged Fletcher
Legendary Creature – Dwarf Citizen
At the beginning of each combat phase, target creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains reach until end of turn.
If An Aged Fletcher would die, transform him instead.
Chisodr, Father of Souls
Legendary Creature – God
Wherever you cast an instant or sorcery choose 1:
•Destroy target artifact or enchantment.
•Deal 2 damage to any target.
Updated on 12 Apr 2022 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2020-02-27 19:20:21: Sorrow created and commented on the card An Aged Fletcher

Again, still using old death replacement until new one is figured out.

2020-03-02 17:41:43: Sorrow edited An Aged Fletcher
2022-01-31 03:28:32: Sorrow edited An Aged Fletcher:

Name change

Doesn't fell very "Father of Souls" to me.

I think, it's neat to have this hidden identity as at the very least a way to introduce a race/class to the Gods they might otherwise not have.

I wonder whether it would be better to have the front not be legendary and just make transforming optional/conditional - after all not every aged fletcher will turn out to be a God in disguise.

The original name was "Spark of Souls," but I didn't want to risk connotating a planeswalker spark, just the creator of souls. Mechanically, I wanted the rw god be a spellslinger-type card.

I think the melded Hanweir, the Writhing Township is the only "double-faced" card that's legendary on only one side. Lorewise, the gods sometime take on mortal guises and meet the people of the plane, as was done in Norse mythology (as well as other mythologies). Because the creature is always the god in disguise, it felt that the disguise should still be legendary. This is why I included "A/An" at the beginning of each god's disguised name, as that naming convention made the disguise feel more distinct as an individual.

­Westvale Abbey, too, but I'd rather look at flip cards like Budoka Gardener or Student of Elements which would be DFC given the chance.

Spellslinger, huh? I could see that one benefiting from impulsive draw and token creation.

2022-04-12 21:52:51: Sorrow edited An Aged Fletcher:

changed Laborer to Citizen

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