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CardName: Izzet Space Dragon Cost: {3}{U}{U}{R}{R} Type: Legendary Creature - Dragon Pow/Tgh: 0/8 Rules Text: Flying Affinity for Minions Whenever Izzet Space Dragon attacks, note its power. When you cast your next instant or sorcery spell with mana value equal to or less than the noted power, copy it twice. You may choose new targets for the copies. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: SFDD Custom Commander Set Uncommon

Izzet Space Dragon
Legendary Creature – Dragon
Affinity for Minions
Whenever Izzet Space Dragon attacks, note its power. When you cast your next instant or sorcery spell with mana value equal to or less than the noted power, copy it twice. You may choose new targets for the copies.
Updated on 02 Oct 2023 by RatLantern

Code: UZ07

Active?: true

History: [-]

2023-09-30 01:15:29: RatLantern created the card Izzet Space Dragon
2023-09-30 02:42:27: RatLantern edited Izzet Space Dragon:


2023-09-30 02:47:56: RatLantern edited Izzet Space Dragon
2023-10-02 22:56:05: RatLantern edited Izzet Space Dragon

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