Steamboom Advances: Mechanics

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Mechanics | Skeleton | Names

Reflective: Spells targeting this creature cost {1} more. Used on 4 cards: Engineer Life, Gleaming Wall, Steamboom Angel, Perfect Battletech

See Eluim

Prosperity: Whenever this card's ability is triggered, prosperity triggers. Used on 2 cards: Beggar's Pot, Mind Winder

Some artifacts can make all the difference in your life.

Debt: If the designated number could not be reached, Debt will occur. Used on 3 cards: Funhouse Funeral, Forced Forgetfulness, Insatiable Thirst

Penalizations for not having the correct amount.

Underdwell: This creature may block while tapped as it were untapped. Tapped creatures may block this creature as if they were untapped. Used on 4 cards: Victory Golem, Disgraced Commander, Gutterwrung Enlistment, Night Division

See Unfathomable Experiments

Shakedown: Whenever this creature becomes blocked by a creature, draw a card. Used on 2 cards: Dock Guard, Noble Ransomee

see Eluim

In card text or details pages, write the mechanic's code name (playtest name) between square brackets, like "[Crittercast]", "[Bushido 1]" or "[Delay 4 {2}{R}{R}]". It will be expanded to the mechanic's name plus reminder text, such as "Suspend 4 – {2}{r}{r}. (Rather than cast this spell from your hand,...)"
To expand a mechanic's name but not its reminder text, include parentheses at the end of the square brackets: "[Crittercast()]", "[Delay 9 {R}()]".