Khif Lerr 水淵: Mechanics
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Mechanics | Tribes |
Evergreen ability. Combos with Decoy. All colors, but mainly .
Evergreen keyword that signifies certain activated abilities can only be activated at sorcery speed.
Surprise attacker to represent red and blue's tendency for change and trickery. Mainly then . Cf. Ninjutsu
Token creation. Mainly . More frequent on Fire World.
All colors, but mainly . Water world only.
Ability word grants bonus if target meets criteria. Mainly . More frequent on Water World.
Keyword action wrt spell matters for only on fire world and only on water world.
Evergreen (?) mechanic. Mainly .
In card text or details pages, write the mechanic's code name (playtest name) between square brackets, like "[Crittercast]", "[Bushido 1]" or "[Delay 4 {2}{R}{R}]". It will be expanded to the mechanic's name plus reminder text, such as "Suspend 4 – . (Rather than cast this spell from your hand,...)"
To expand a mechanic's name but not its reminder text, include parentheses at the end of the square brackets: "[Crittercast()]", "[Delay 9 {R}()]".