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CardName: Tidy Whitey Cost: w Type: Enchantment - Aura Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Enchant creature Enchanted creature gets +2/+1. Tidings {2} ({2}, Put this card from your graveyard onto the bottom of your library: Draw a card.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Khif Lerr 水淵 Common

Tidy Whitey
Enchantment – Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature gets +2/+1.

Tidings {2} ({2}, Put this card from your graveyard onto the bottom of your library: Draw a card.)
Updated on 02 May 2016 by amuseum



2016-05-02 03:50:19: amuseum created the card Tidy Whitey

Oh look! It's salvage! I had a feeling I was onto something when I created Fog Soup and company for New Mirrodin. I presume Wizards is bound to steal our idea at some point, if it was simple enough a design for someone else to stumble right on top of it.

Because I had salvage in New Mirrodin, I started to put in some "If you have no cards in your graveyard" cards. Just thought it was a cute side design.

When I playtested Salvage I found that {2} was much too cheap; it's almost all pure card advantage since it's very easy to put cards in the graveyard. Instant speed was also boring, since there's always a "correct" time to play it (end of turn.)

I recommend {3} at sorcery speed, but your own playtests may vary.

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