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CardName: Refractal Jellyfish Cost: uu Type: Creature - Illusion Jellyfish Pow/Tgh: 2/1 Rules Text: {2}: Refractal Jellyfish gains hexproof until end of turn. Tidings {2} ({2}, Put this card from your graveyard onto the bottom of your library: Draw a card.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Khif Lerr 水淵 Uncommon

Refractal Jellyfish
Creature – Illusion Jellyfish
{2}: Refractal Jellyfish gains hexproof until end of turn.

Tidings {2} ({2}, Put this card from your graveyard onto the bottom of your library: Draw a card.)
Created on 17 Jan 2018 by amuseum



2018-01-17 00:40:41: amuseum created and commented on the card Refractal Jellyfish

Refractal Illusions will refract light when under water. They imitate the shape of other organisms, including jellyfish, shark, crab, whale, etc.

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