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CardName: Forgotten Instincts Cost: 3gg Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Choose up to three — Target creature gets +5/+5 until end of turn; or all creatures able to block target creature do so this turn; or sacrifice a creature, then gain life equal to its power. Forget {2}{G} (Choose one if you cast this for its forget cost.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Madoka Magi-ka Uncommon

Forgotten Instincts
Choose up to three — Target creature gets +5/+5 until end of turn; or all creatures able to block target creature do so this turn; or sacrifice a creature, then gain life equal to its power.
Forget {2}{g} (Choose one if you cast this for its forget cost.)
Created on 12 Mar 2014 by Alexander

History: [-]

2014-03-12 09:46:11: Alexander created the card Forgotten Instincts

Does this mechanic work, or does the reminder text for Forget need a little more meat?

Huh. I think I'd prefer this the other way round (lower cmc in top right, higher 'do as many as you like all' alt cost) but this is kinda flavoury and nifty.

That third one feels out of place in "Rar, make something big and stompy" though

Well, if I formatted it your way, I'd need a different name for the mechanic, because then you're not forgetting... you're... remembering? Well, this set already has an ability called Memory, so I don't want to use "remember."

Also the last mode you can choose gives you the opportunity to pump up something big and then gain a bunch of life off of it. I thought it had a nice cohesion. I also wanted each mode to not necessarily be something you'd always want to do in order to make the forget ability more attractive.

As far as I can tell this is exactly Entwine, just with the costs reversed. And while the first mode goes great with the second, and the first mode goes great with the third, the combination of all three has quite some anti-synergy.

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