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CardName: Cast Blast Cost: 1r Type: Tribal Instant - Warrior Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Cast Blast deals damage to target spell's controller equal to that spell's converted mana cost. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: AEther War Common

Cast Blast
Tribal Instant – Warrior
Cast Blast deals damage to target spell's controller equal to that spell's converted mana cost.
Updated on 30 Aug 2013 by amuseum


Active?: true

History: [-]

2013-05-17 00:09:41: amuseum created the card Cast Blast

Oh, that's an amusing way to give red a counterspell.

It's Parallectric Feedback, which already exists, with a couple mana taken off.

2013-05-17 23:46:21: amuseum edited Cast Blast
2013-08-30 04:20:24: amuseum edited Cast Blast

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