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CardName: Bad Luck Blight Cost: {1}{B} Type: Enchantment - Aura Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Enchant creature you control Whenever the enchanted creature is sacrificed, each opponent sacrifices a creature. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Envertol: Life's a Gamble Common

Bad Luck Blight
Enchantment – Aura
Enchant creature you control
Whenever the enchanted creature is sacrificed, each opponent sacrifices a creature.
Updated on 28 Feb 2024 by Sorrow


2024-01-23 02:37:17: Sorrow created and commented on the card Bad Luck Blight

Should this have caveat of "each opponent who hasn't sacrificed a creature this turn sacrifices a creature." to prevent these from players from having these chain off each other?
Should this be uncommon? I made it common under it being conditional, nontargeted kill.

Curious about the trigger condition being sacrifice rather than any death. I suppose the set makes sacrifice extremely likely?

If this can't chain that becomes even weirder, because you remove the one guaranteed source of sacrifice the set has from the equation.

I don't see a problem with allowing chains since this is an Aura and will disappear with the removal of the creature. Even on a global enchantment you are capped by wiping the board and this is not that.

The board complexity might be an issue, but OTOH an opponent activating a sacrifice outlet in reaction to this triggering to avoid the effect wouldn't feel good.

I'm voting against the caveat. If this promotes passive play in Limited play tests, I'd move it to uncommon rather than adding a caveat.

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