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CardName: Infected Shapeshifter Cost: UU Type: Creature - Shapeshifter Pow/Tgh: 0/0 Rules Text: Flash Infected Shapeshifter enters the battlefield as a copy of any creature on the battlefield except it gains "At the beginning of your endstep, Calcify This creature. (Exile this creature: Create a Statue artifact token with "{t}: Add {c})" Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Onar, Titans' Dominions Rare

Infected Shapeshifter
Creature – Shapeshifter
Infected Shapeshifter enters the battlefield as a copy of any creature on the battlefield except it gains "At the beginning of your endstep, Calcify This creature. (Exile this creature: Create a Statue artifact token with "{t}: Add {c})"
Updated on 27 Apr 2021 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2021-01-12 06:05:09: Sorrow created the card Infected Shapeshifter
2021-04-25 11:37:54: Sorrow edited Infected Shapeshifter

So... you get a copy that is only usable for blocking, and only for one turn? Unless the thing you copy has haste, I guess.

I guess that's occasionally useful.

You do this on someone else's turn, and then as well as the surprise blocker you get one attack or tap with it. Yeah, this is cool.

Oh, only on your end step. That's... tricksy. Ok, a one-use-unless-shenanigans copy is kind of cool. And it's a mana-rock too, which is always nice.

Huh. I wonder if the correct play for this is to drop it on whatever on opponent's turn 2, for the mana. Blue rush decks are a thing now?

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