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CardName: Composite Refractures Cost: uu2 Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: For each player, exile up to one target creature they control. If you do, that player reveals cards from the top of their library until a creature card is revealed. The player puts that card onto the field, then shuffles the rest into their library. It's an Illusion and loses all other creature types. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Khif Lerr 水淵 Rare

Composite Refractures
For each player, exile up to one target creature they control. If you do, that player reveals cards from the top of their library until a creature card is revealed. The player puts that card onto the field, then shuffles the rest into their library. It's an Illusion and loses all other creature types.
Updated on 19 Aug 2020 by amuseum


History: [-]

2020-05-19 07:27:15: amuseum created and commented on the card Composite Refractures

As you cast this spell, choose for each player a target creature they control.

2020-07-15 18:04:00: amuseum edited Composite Refractures

Huh. Mass Polymorph. Sure, both uses of that are fun; and this will be a riot in multiplayer. I like it.

2020-08-19 22:58:41: amuseum edited Composite Refractures

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