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CardName: Dance of Forms Cost: UU Type: Enchantment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: You may have Dance of Forms enter the battlefield as a copy of any creature on the battlefield except it is also an enchantment and gains "At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice this creature unless you pay {U}{U}." Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Snap Uncommon

Dance of Forms
You may have Dance of Forms enter the battlefield as a copy of any creature on the battlefield except it is also an enchantment and gains "At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice this creature unless you pay {u}{u}."
Updated on 04 Oct 2018 by Camruth


History: [-]

2018-07-16 23:29:11: Camruth created the card Dance of Forms

a rough try at reducing the complexity of Dance of Many by eliminating the token creation shenanigans.

Is "nontoken" really necessary? Cloning a token will usually not be any more problematic - they are more often than not the easier thing to copy.

The first ability is worded as a replacement effect and those cannot target; hence "target creature" should be "any creature on the battlefield" following the lead of granddaddy Clone.

Dance of Many can't copy token creatures, which I think is why Camruth left non-token on his version of the card ("Choose target creature card" infers that the Dance can only target things that are cards.)

I think what Camruth was trying to say is that he streamlined Dance of Many. Instead of DoM making a token creature that's a copy of something, and the enchantment or the token going away if their counterpart hit the bin, which meant that with the copy trigger on the stack that you could get a bonus creature with a well-timed Boomerang or Time Elemental activation... instead of that unintuitive madness, the enchantment becomes a copy of the creature. Which is pretty normal now, but cards changing types wasn't a thing in The Dark.

Though, for what it's worth, I'd probably get rid of non-token on Dance of Forms. I understand wanting to keep the enchantment as close to the original as possible, but this is just a clause that will trip people up for no clear advantage.

Two editing notes: "You" isn't capitalized. And the second paragraph reads "Dance of Many" instead of "Dance of Forms".

The reason Dance of Many doesn't copy tokens is because the oldest wordings were very terrible and the errata/Oracle text reflects a reproduction of its function rather than its fundamental concept.

Design is form and function. Just reproducing the form without understanding the purpose is weak design. The form is a result of old rules/minds not handling it to well if a Dance of Many token becomes a copy of another Dance of Many token. Since this new design does explicitly aims to eliminate "token creation shenanigans" the whole reason "nontoken" would be introduced into the wording is gone.

It's now a form without purpose.

To avoid accidentally copy-pasting wrong cardnames it is advisable to use ~ rather than cardnames. The character is automatically replaced with the name of the current card in rules text.

You correctly put the enchantment type into the "except" clause of the copy-ability, because you realize copying would overwrite the card's types otherwise. You seem to miss that the copying also overwrites abilites.

The triggered ability defining the upkeep cost would be overwritten as this becomes a copy. It should also be moved into the "except"-clause.

2018-10-04 07:07:25: Camruth edited Dance of Forms

OK I think this is all formatted correctly now

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