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CardName: Lively Lamppost Cost: 1 Type: Artifact Creature - Spirit Construct Pow/Tgh: 0/4 Rules Text: Defender Whenever a vehicle deals damage to Lively Lamppost, destroy that vehicle. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: The Pinery None

Lively Lamppost
Artifact Creature – Spirit Construct
Whenever a vehicle deals damage to Lively Lamppost, destroy that vehicle.
Updated on 07 Jul 2018 by HarrisonA


Active?: true

History: [-]

2018-07-06 11:58:46: HarrisonA created the card Lively Lamppost

Seems odd that the lamp post will survive the car crash; some vehicles are pretty big

Well, a big vehicle P>3 will destroy the lamppost too I think.

Oh, I see Lamppost Kami made an impression.

HarrisonA doesn't seem to have quite decided whether they want a triggered ability (would use "Whenever" rather than "If" and no "would") or a replacement effect (should have an "instead" in the second part). With such a wording that is half-half it's hard to tell what's the intent: One would allow a big enough Vehicle to destroy the Lamppost, the other would not.

Right. The current template suggests that the damage is prevented

I didn't intend a lamppost would survive, I just intended that the vehicle wouldn't.

2018-07-07 02:09:04: HarrisonA edited Lively Lamppost

This is a strictly better Steel Wall though I guess that hardly matters.

Yeah, I don't think Steel Wall was pushing any boundaries

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