Khif Lerr 水淵: Cardlist | Visual spoiler | Export | Booster | Comments | Search | Recent activity
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CardName: Rewrap // Redraw Cost: 1U // 32/u2/u Type: Sorcery // Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / // / Rules Text: Target creature gets -1/-0 until your next turn. Target creature gets -1/-0 until your next turn. Target creature gets -1/-0 until your next turn. Rebound (If you cast this spell from your hand, exile it as it resolves. At the beginning of your next upkeep, you may cast this card from exile without paying its mana cost.) // Draw three cards. Rebound (If you cast this spell from your hand, exile it as it resolves. At the beginning of your next upkeep, you may cast this card from exile without paying its mana cost.) Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Khif Lerr 水淵 Uncommon

Target creature gets -1/-0 until your next turn.
Target creature gets -1/-0 until your next turn.
Target creature gets -1/-0 until your next turn.

Rebound (If you cast this spell from your hand, exile it as it resolves. At the beginning of your next upkeep, you may cast this card from exile without paying its mana cost.)
Draw three cards.

Rebound (If you cast this spell from your hand, exile it as it resolves. At the beginning of your next upkeep, you may cast this card from exile without paying its mana cost.)
Updated on 28 Oct 2018 by amuseum


History: [-]

2018-02-01 18:47:29: amuseum created the card Rewrap // Redraw
2018-02-03 00:00:22: amuseum edited Rewrap // Redraw

Draw three cards. Suspend 1 - {u}

Seems slightly pushed compared to Ancestral Vision. ;)

left half is placeholder for now, so no ability text yet.

2018-10-27 23:39:25: amuseum edited Rewrap // Redraw

I thought that was on purpose - having all left sides as blanks with {u}.

At the current cost this still is getting you two cards more than expected value. Also text size issues.

Since you get access to both sides with these split cards it might be a better idea to actually make use of the interaction.

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