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CardName: Honey Bear Cost: G Type: Creature - Bear Pow/Tgh: 2/2 Rules Text: When Honey Bear dies, each opponent gains 2 life. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Duel Deck: Dungeon Keepers Common

Honey Bear
Creature – Bear
When Honey Bear dies, each opponent gains 2 life.
Updated on 10 Aug 2020 by amuseum


History: [-]

2017-09-08 06:26:00: amuseum edited Honey Bear

If I attack this with a Goblin Piker, does it take damage if nothing blocks it? Can this creature block things attacking itself?

Odd that this mechanic shows up in a duel deck. I feel like it's better suited for a Horde or Archenemy set.

So, Heroe's Reward? Creatures that can be challenged for a reward are an intersting idea here.

Blocking rules don't change. like if anybody attacks your planeswalkers. It can block any attacker as long as it's untapped.

Kinda like bosses or quest bounties.

2020-08-10 08:05:27: amuseum edited Honey Bear

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