Duel Deck: Dungeon Keepers: Comments

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Duel Deck: Dungeon Crawlers vs. Dungeon Keepers

Each deck has:

  • 60 cards
  • 1 mythic, 3 rares, 9 uncommons, rest commons and lands
  • lands not counted against rarity limits

Dungeon Keepers:

  • Black & Green cards
  • Creatures that respawn when they die, re-manifesting as face-down creature
  • Traps that can be played face-down, then detonated

Prizes will be converted to Scenes.

Successfully coded into Forge:

  • Detonate
  • Respawn
  • Freeze, Frozen, Frostbite, Freeze cost
  • Scene
  • Win game by earning Victory points from scene climaxes and planeswalker ultimates


  • Dungeon Crawlers mechanics - Arcane Teachings - Vanguard / Escort - Disarm


Each Duel Deck shall contain:

  • 1 Planeswalker
  • 1 Scene (rare)
  • 2 Scene (uncommon)
  • 1 Legendary creature (rare)

Post your comments on Duel Deck: Dungeon Keepers here!
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