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CardName: Version Control Cost: Type: Enhancement Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: I've been pitching this site to my friends as "Github but with magic cards", one pointed out to me the lack of version control. IE all changes are destructive, if someone edits a card the previous version is lost. Version Control would be an insanely difficult thing to ask for, right? Just thought I'd check. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

Version Control
I've been pitching this site to my friends as "Github but with magic cards", one pointed out to me the lack of version control. IE all changes are destructive, if someone edits a card the previous version is lost.

Version Control would be an insanely difficult thing to ask for, right? Just thought I'd check.
Updated on 19 Feb 2016 by Alex

History: [-]

2016-01-12 21:41:55: NymphadoraTonks created the card Version Control

I have considered the same - at least for cards it should be easy to store the individual versions of a card. It would also help with the discussion of cards that change over time.

Mmm. Yeah, this is a sensible topic to raise. Back when I was on a free database, I was confident I wouldn't have space for previous revisions. However now that I'm paying for the database, we've got a good amount of space, so storing previous revisions is a fairly plausible enhancement.

It wouldn't be insanely difficult, but it would be a moderate amount of work; however it's a very sensible thing to ask for. No promises, but I'll look into it further.

2016-02-19 11:18:24: Alex edited Version Control

Would it be easier to not cache full copies of the card but auto-generate a "was previously" comment along with any comment on change? I don't really know, that's probably more space intensive, but lots of people do that anyway, and it might need less code?

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