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CardName: Penetrating Round Cost: 1R Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Penetrating Round deals 2 damage to target creature. If the creature then has lethal damage, Penetrating Round deals 1 damage to another target creature. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Edwin's cards Common

Penetrating Round
Penetrating Round deals 2 damage to target creature.
If the creature then has lethal damage, Penetrating Round deals 1 damage to another target creature.
Updated on 18 Feb 2016 by Edwin


The wording here is slightly fiddly, because you have to choose the second target even in cases where it's not needed. But Arc Trail was very strong, and my Gather Ritevictims turned out to be very strong as well, and this is basically better.

However, the name is a fantastic fit for the effect.

I was trying to make the second ability triggered by the effect of the first, but I couldn't work out how to word it non-horribly and stuck with that.

In actual gameplay, someone used it against me and was forced to kill his own creature with the one damage. It somehow felt like the card wasn't living up to its full potential then.

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