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CardName: Restore Ma'at Cost: 1 Type: Legendary Enchantment Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Shroud Restore Ma'at enters the battlefield with ten Stability counters Whenever a spell is cast, if it was multicolored, remove a Stability counter on Restore Ma'at. Otherwise, put a Stability counter on Restore Ma'at. When there are no Stability counters on Restore Ma'at, you lose the game. When there are twenty-one or more Stability counters on Restore Ma'at, you win the game. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Ma'at Breached 2.0 Mythic

Restore Ma'at
Legendary Enchantment
Restore Ma'at enters the battlefield with ten Stability counters
Whenever a spell is cast, if it was multicolored, remove a Stability counter on Restore Ma'at. Otherwise, put a Stability counter on Restore Ma'at.
When there are no Stability counters on Restore Ma'at, you lose the game.
When there are twenty-one or more Stability counters on Restore Ma'at, you win the game.
Updated on 24 Mar 2024 by 10vernothin

Code: MC01

History: [-]

2015-10-02 03:36:43: 10vernothin created the card Restore Ma'at
2015-10-13 06:32:57: 10vernothin edited Restore Ma'at

How often are there even 20 spells in a game, let alone 20 multicolor spells, let alone when you don't start counting until after a 5-mana spell sets things in motion?

And the reward for that immense hoop, basically just an Apocalypse, doesn't do a whole lot to incentivize it at all.

this is a very rough draft of what I want.

2015-10-14 00:03:34: 10vernothin edited Restore Ma'at
2015-10-25 06:15:34: 10vernothin edited Restore Ma'at
2015-10-25 06:21:40: 10vernothin edited Restore Ma'at:

proliferate works on this, but gilder bearn doesn't

2015-10-25 06:22:58: 10vernothin edited Restore Ma'at:

mono-colored or colorless. Casting for free doesn't count

2015-10-25 06:23:58: 10vernothin edited Restore Ma'at
2016-02-19 05:47:35: 10vernothin edited Restore Ma'at

I like a win condition with a risk factor.

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