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CardName: Green Algae Cost: 1u Type: Creature - Plant Mutant Pow/Tgh: 0/2 Rules Text: Defender {T}: Generate {G}. Whenever you play a land, you may transform Green Algae. 1/4 > Flavour Text: Back side: CardName: Strangling Kelp Cost: Type: Creature - Plant Mutant Pow/Tgh: 1/4 Rules Text: Defender Whenever this creature transforms into Strangling Kelp, tap up to one target creature until Strangling Kelp transforms or leaves. At the end of each opponent's end step, if that player didn't play a land, transform Strangling Kelp. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Zin-Scien 戰訊 Common

Green Algae
Creature – Plant Mutant

{t}: Generate {g}.

Whenever you play a land, you may transform Green Algae.

1/4 >
Strangling Kelp
Colour indicator U Creature – Plant Mutant

Whenever this creature transforms into Strangling Kelp, tap up to one target creature until Strangling Kelp transforms or leaves.

At the end of each opponent's end step, if that player didn't play a land, transform Strangling Kelp.
Updated on 19 Aug 2020 by amuseum


Active?: true

History: [-]

2014-07-06 07:14:48: amuseum created the card Green Algae
2014-07-06 07:16:26: amuseum edited Green Algae
2020-07-16 03:51:47: amuseum edited Green Algae
2020-08-19 23:23:31: amuseum edited Green Algae

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