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CardName: Wererat Cost: B Type: Creature - Human Lycanthrope Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: At the start of your upkeep if any player discarded a card last turn, transform Wererat. Flavour Text: Back side: CardName: Ratwere Cost: Type: Creature - Rat Lycanthrope Pow/Tgh: 1/1 Rules Text: At the start of your upkeep, transform Ratwere if no player discarded a card since your last upkeep. When Ratwere deals combat damage to a player, that player discards a card. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Snap Common

Creature – Human Lycanthrope
At the start of your upkeep if any player discarded a card last turn, transform Wererat.
Colour indicator B Creature – Rat Lycanthrope
At the start of your upkeep, transform Ratwere if no player discarded a card since your last upkeep.
When Ratwere deals combat damage to a player, that player discards a card.
Updated on 17 Jan 2012 by Camruth


History: [-]

2011-01-04 07:33:10: Camruth created the card Wererat
2011-01-04 07:35:20: Camruth edited Wererat
2011-01-05 07:11:45: Camruth edited Wererat
2011-01-11 05:35:45: Camruth edited Wererat

Rework of my flip Lycanthropes./ I put the 'flipped' version text in the flavour text box to see if it would all fit cleanly on 1 card. From studying existing flip cards I have worked out that you can fit 4 lines of text in a "flipped" text box.

2011-01-11 05:42:29: Camruth edited Wererat
2011-01-14 18:06:07: Alex edited Wererat

The timings on this are odd. You're making a player discard during your end step, and then it's frustrating that that discard can't count towards its count.

2011-01-15 00:48:13: Camruth edited Wererat

Have reworked it to trigger at start of upkeep based on discards in the previous turn.

2011-01-16 22:15:38: Camruth edited Wererat
2011-01-17 00:55:32: Camruth edited Wererat
2011-07-17 02:59:29: Camruth edited Wererat
2012-01-17 03:33:09: Camruth edited Wererat

Looks like it should keep itself flipped, but doesn't, because on your upkeep, "last turn" will have been the opponent's turn. Perhaps "transform Ratwere if no player discarded a card since your last upkeep"?

2012-01-17 11:15:54: Camruth edited Wererat

How's that?

Yep, looks better.

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