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CardName: Darthos, Bastion of Flyria Cost: WWWW Type: Legendary creature - human knight Pow/Tgh: 2/12 Rules Text: Players who control black permanents cannot counter Darthos. Protection from Black and from Blue Darthos may block any number of creatures. {W} Darthos gains +0/+3 until end of turn Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Mulrektir Mythic

Darthos, Bastion of Flyria
Legendary creature – human knight
Players who control black permanents cannot counter Darthos.
Protection from Black and from Blue
Darthos may block any number of creatures.
{w} Darthos gains +0/+3 until end of turn
Created on 17 Jun 2012 by saxihim


2012-06-17 11:10:14: saxihim created the card Darthos, Bastion of Flyria
2012-06-17 11:10:33: saxihim edited Darthos, Bastion of Flyria

Quad white? I think it needs to be "Seplls controlled by players who control.." that can't do the countering, but who knows.

And that's one serious brick wall. Not sure if it's too unremovable, really. I guess if the opponent wins the creature race they can out splat it eventually.

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