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CardName: Eternal Forest Cost: Type: Land Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Eternal Forest enters the battlefield tapped. {T}: Add {G} to your mana pool. When Eternal Forest goes to the graveyard from the battlefield, return it to the battlefield under your control in your next upkeep. Flavour Text: Llanowar will live, if we do. Set/Rarity: Llanowar Burned Basic

Eternal Forest
Eternal Forest enters the battlefield tapped.
{t}: Add {g} to your mana pool.
When Eternal Forest goes to the graveyard from the battlefield, return it to the battlefield under your control in your next upkeep.
Llanowar will live, if we do.
Updated on 10 Feb 2020 by Vitenka

Code: CL02

History: [-]

2012-06-11 16:36:26: Vitenka created the card Eternal Forest


I can find a lot of use for an indestructible forest... mostly involving animating it... possibly involving Armageddon... though those cards are fewer and fewer nowadays. Most games, however, this card will do nothing. It feels like the sort of card that impulsive players would tear in half on site... or at least, uncommon material.

Same as Strike the Earth, one guaranteed land per booster; only these are funny-lands.

This is a "Lands WILL DIE" set. So yeah, it's usual that a forest will be better; but in this set it may see some use.

I suggest you reprint just the Boom half of Boom // Bust, probably at uncommon, to give this something to do.

Oh, that's a NICE land destruction. I think I'll make all of these lands be about lands dying now.

2014-03-17 12:28:37: Vitenka edited Eternal Forest:

name it enough I don't think it's uncreated from skeleton

This one also breaks the cycle - it cares about land destruction; by saying "Nope, can't do it do me"

Broken cycles are bad. Even ones that sorta stylishly work with the whole theme I've got going on. So I ought to change this to instead do something when it is destroyed.

...tempted to go with jmg's comment and make this "When ~ is destroyed, you gain an emblem of 'forests are indestructible'" but that's too far in that direction.

Maybe just make it bounce a land from graveyard to hand when this is destroyed; it's pretty minor - but in-theme and moderately useful in set.

2016-01-18 14:46:25: Vitenka edited Eternal Forest:

pretty similar to invulnerablity; but fits the cycle now.

2020-01-30 09:39:36: Vitenka edited Eternal Forest:


"Indestructible Forest" doesn't have the indestructible keyword? Hard to stomach. This seems weird at common btw.

Was wondering what the most broken card in Standard with this is. Turns out it's Elvish Reclaimer. Which is merely nuts. Free Rampant Growth every turn is whack, but it's not Troubled Healer crazy.

I think the usual convention with these types of free & infinite sac enablers is to have them return to the battlefield at the beginning of the next end step.

2020-02-07 16:09:44: Vitenka edited Eternal Forest:

good points on both name and teplating. Changed.

> When ~ is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, return it to the battlefield at the beginning of the next upkeep.

Using the "basic" rarity to guarantee to have one in a booster is not really how I think that works. Didn't the recent sets use uncommon rarity this way to guarantee planeswalker/legendary in most boosters or something like that?

I wrote a response, but I'm pretty sure my knowledge on this subject is lacking, so I'm just going to pull what I said and shrug. I will say this, though: in custom sets, I don't see a problem with using the Basic rarity for anything you want, really. It's not like we have a Timeshifted slot to work with on Multiverse, after all.

It's how it worked when Multiverse added the 'booster' feature; so it's how it works on Multiverse :)

I do agree things are more complex in later sets. I guess "This is a candidate for the extra slot" could be an extra skeleton field, if that got added here. I'm happy with the way it currently is though.

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