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CardName: Samojed, Queen of Winter Cost: {4}{W}{W} Type: Legendary Creature - Witch Pow/Tgh: 4/4 Rules Text: Vigilance Players may only untap a single land during their untap phase. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Llanowar Burned Mythic

Samojed, Queen of Winter
Legendary Creature – Witch
Players may only untap a single land during their untap phase.
Updated on 11 Feb 2020 by Vitenka

Code: MW01

History: [-]

2012-06-11 16:26:45: Vitenka created the card Samojed, Queen of Winter

Armageddon. Though obviously, now, more Winter Orb.

2012-06-22 12:57:17: Vitenka edited Samojed, Queen of Winter:

slap it on a body. This is the armaggeddon equivalent in the set.

Is this too likely to be a complete lockdown? Is it splashy enough?

I think this is definitely the right power level for mythic. It's not the kind of card Wizards print very often, especially at the moment when they're on a bit of a "make it nice for Timmy" kick. But in 2-3 years when the pendulum has swung a bit, I could see this being printed pretty much as is here (only creature type and name being different).

Well, I could make her creature type hound; I suppose :)

2020-02-11 11:14:02: Vitenka edited Samojed, Queen of Winter:


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