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CardName: Reality Denied Cost: 1U Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Ignore all effects of target instant spell, sorcery spell, activated ability, or triggered ability. (Mana abilities can’t be targeted.) Flavour Text: Cause and effect folded in on themselves, leaving only stillness. Set/Rarity: [Card Dump] Tahazzar's Designs None

Reality Denied
Ignore all effects of target instant spell, sorcery spell, activated ability, or triggered ability. (Mana abilities can’t be targeted.)
Cause and effect folded in on themselves, leaving only stillness.
Illus. Igor Kieryluk
Created on 13 Jan 2025 by Tahazzar


2025-01-13 10:55:29: Tahazzar created and commented on the card Reality Denied

Some sorta loosely related rulings, at least regarding 'ignoring abilities':

> 101.3. Any part of an instruction that's impossible to perform is ignored. (In many cases the card will specify consequences for this; if it doesn't, there's no effect.)

> 116.2d Some effects from static abilities allow a player to take an action to ignore the effect from that ability for a duration. Doing so is a special action. A player can take such an action any time they have priority.

For comparison, the ruling on counterspelling is that the targeted spell or ability doesn't resolve and its effects never occur but here supposedly the targeted thing would still technically resolve and its effects would occur but that those effects would simply be ignored.

> 701.5a To counter a spell or ability means to cancel it, removing it from the stack. It doesn't resolve and none of its effects occur. A countered spell is put into its owner's graveyard.

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