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CardName: Combat Readiness Cost: 1G/W Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Untap all combat creatures you control, they get +1/+1 until end of turn. Flavour Text: "alright you maggots, fall in!" Colour Sergeant Orke. Set/Rarity: Snap Common

Combat Readiness
Untap all combat creatures you control, they get +1/+1 until end of turn.
"alright you maggots, fall in!" Colour Sergeant Orke.
Updated on 14 Nov 2017 by Camruth


History: [-]

2012-04-08 23:27:04: jmgariepy created the card Combat Readiness
2012-04-09 05:47:21: jmgariepy edited Combat Readiness
2012-04-09 08:34:40: Camruth edited Combat Readiness

Nah, I decided to hijack it for another Magic Wars card, an Instant (or Tactic) this time.

I'm under attack! Fall back!

2012-04-09 12:55:57: Camruth edited Combat Readiness

Designed for (((Challenge # 035))) for Camruth's Magic Wars concept. Unfortunately ended up being rather worse than To Arms! and Vitalize.

2012-04-09 22:35:48: Camruth edited Combat Readiness

after looking at those cards I have made a bit of a change to this to make it better.

2017-11-14 01:02:42: Camruth moved the card Combat Readiness from Multiverse Design Challenge into Snap

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