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CardName: Corlain's Roar Cost: {4}{R}{R} Type: Sorcery Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: If you don't control Coralain, create Corlain, a legendary 4/1 red Dragon God token with flying and "{1}{r}: Corlain gets +1/+0 until end of turn." Otherwise, Dragons you control get +3/+0 and gain menace until end of turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Traditions of Glasmarn Uncommon

Corlain's Roar
If you don't control Coralain, create Corlain, a legendary 4/1 red Dragon God token with flying and "{1}{r}: Corlain gets +1/+0 until end of turn." Otherwise, Dragons you control get +3/+0 and gain menace until end of turn.
Updated on 18 May 2024 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2024-05-13 10:35:28: Sorrow created the card Corlain's Roar
2024-05-13 10:36:08: Sorrow edited Corlain's Roar

That's an interesting idea! It either spawns a big dragon, or helps you close out the game with your existing dragons.

I'm not certain that the spawned creature feels "God"-ly, though. I wonder what can reasonably be done to help with that?

I wonder if adding "Flashback" here would be suitable. Either you cast it, get a god, then get your big board swing; or if your god dies, you can use this to get them back out there.

Dragon Avatar, maybe. Just a small aspect of Corlain

Corlain was the last of the gods who can be generated by multiple cards as to be created and the one I am the least satisfied with. Firebreathing is generic and doesn't feel god-like. I liked the idea of the red god generated by multiple cards being a dragon, but a dragon wouldn't look right without a respectable body, and dragons want to fly, which is powerful in Magic.

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