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CardName: Harvest Corn Cost: W Type: Artifact - Food Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: {2},{T}- Sacrifice Harvest Corn: You gain 3 life. Whenever a Human dies, you may pay {W}. If you do, return Harvest Corn from your graveyard to your hand. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Traditions of Glasmarn Common

Harvest Corn
Artifact – Food
{2},{t}- Sacrifice Harvest Corn: You gain 3 life.

Whenever a Human dies, you may pay {w}. If you do, return Harvest Corn from your graveyard to your hand.
Updated on 10 May 2024 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2024-05-09 01:32:43: Sorrow created the card Harvest Corn

I don't know how you feel about optimizing for digital, but I feel this ability might be better as "{w}: Return ~ from your graveyard to your hand. Activate only if a Human died this turn while this card was in your graveyard."

I noticed also that the ability triggers on any Human dying. Do you want to encourage playing Humans or discourage it?

Addendum: I feel, this kind of effect will serve more as discard fodder than life gain. I sure hope there is a way to exploit that.

Humans- that's just flavor and they're common in the set. It's limited fodder.

Idk about how I feel on changing the ability. On one hand, I don't see Food being run through in a circle enough where one death would allow the player to loop this as much as they can afford to in a single turn. But then, there's probably something somewhere that'd make this degenerate, and I'm generally against anything degenerate.

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