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CardName: Devout Inheritor Cost: {2}{W}{U} Type: Creature - Human Citizen Pow/Tgh: 2/4 Rules Text: Gods cost an additional {1} to cast. As long as you control five or more creatures, Devout Inheritor has "Prevent all damage that would be dealt by Gods. Flavour Text: "To know the power of the gods is more than mortals can bear." Set/Rarity: Traditions of Glasmarn Uncommon

Devout Inheritor
Creature – Human Citizen
Gods cost an additional {1} to cast.

As long as you control five or more creatures, Devout Inheritor has "Prevent all damage that would be dealt by Gods.
"To know the power of the gods is more than mortals can bear."
Created on 07 May 2024 by Sorrow


2024-05-07 11:28:29: Sorrow created and commented on the card Devout Inheritor

Inspired by the film The Feast

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