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CardName: Mars, Bringer of War Cost: 2rwb Type: Legendary Enchantment Creature - God Pow/Tgh: 7/7 Rules Text: Indestructible As long as you haven't attacked with three or more creatures this turn, Mars, Bringer of War isn't a creature. Whenever you attack each opponent, if this is the first combat step this turn, there's an additional combat step after this one. Untap all attacking creatures. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Story Cards Mythic

Mars, Bringer of War
Legendary Enchantment Creature – God

As long as you haven't attacked with three or more creatures this turn, Mars, Bringer of War isn't a creature.

Whenever you attack each opponent, if this is the first combat step this turn, there's an additional combat step after this one. Untap all attacking creatures.
Created on 28 Jan 2024 by Ashenstern



2024-01-28 01:19:54: Ashenstern created the card Mars, Bringer of War

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