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CardName: Cards missing from "Visual Spoiler", "Cardlist" & "Skeleton" Cost: R Type: Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Not entirely sure on how to report bugs, but here goes. When creating a new Skeleton, assigning cards to a number (Such as CR01) through the Skeleton menu does not assign it to the appropriate cell in the list. Same issue when put manually through the "new card" menu. In addition, if you, for whatever reason, delete an entire skeleton and attempt to create a new one, no new skeleton is created and the "edit" menu remains empty OR creates a skeleton with no headers, causing it to be unreadable. In addition, cards newly created do not seem to appear within "Visual Spoiler" or "Cardlist". This has been tested with both "Active" status on and off in the cardset options. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Multiverse Feedback None

Cards missing from "Visual Spoiler", "Cardlist" & "Skeleton"
Not entirely sure on how to report bugs, but here goes.

When creating a new Skeleton, assigning cards to a number (Such as CR01) through the Skeleton menu does not assign it to the appropriate cell in the list. Same issue when put manually through the "new card" menu.

In addition, if you, for whatever reason, delete an entire skeleton and attempt to create a new one, no new skeleton is created and the "edit" menu remains empty OR creates a skeleton with no headers, causing it to be unreadable.

In addition, cards newly created do not seem to appear within "Visual Spoiler" or "Cardlist". This has been tested with both "Active" status on and off in the cardset options.
Updated on 24 Dec 2022 by TCGWolfie


Have you tried pressing the 'Mark all cards as active" button on the skeleton page? My skeleton cells don't update until you do that.

Visual spoiler page is tough, I use the "view by sections" button to see more up to date visuals.

I find in general the caching doesn't trigger as much for edits as it does for new cards.

Edit: it's something similar with the missing page. I created an info page on my set and the link took a while to appear even though I could directly navigate to the page through my history.

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