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CardName: Cthulhu, Big Fish Cost: 20bu Type: Legendary Creature - Fish God Pow/Tgh: 20/20 Rules Text: Delve, Shroud Cthulhu, Big Fish cannot be countered. When you cast Cthulhu, randomly pair any number of target unpaired creatures. All creatures paired this way fight each other. Take control of all surviving creatures. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: First Set Mythic

Cthulhu, Big Fish
Legendary Creature – Fish God
Delve, Shroud
Cthulhu, Big Fish cannot be countered.
When you cast Cthulhu, randomly pair any number of target unpaired creatures. All creatures paired this way fight each other. Take control of all surviving creatures.
Updated on 18 Oct 2022 by Kael

History: [-]

2022-10-17 01:06:06: Kael created the card Cthulhu, Big Fish
2022-10-17 01:08:09: Henri Lamarre edited Cthulhu, Big Fish
2022-10-17 06:38:18: Kael edited Cthulhu, Big Fish
2022-10-17 16:06:46: Henri Lamarre edited Cthulhu, Big Fish
2022-10-18 19:19:59: Kael edited Cthulhu, Big Fish

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