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CardName: Jendayi Black-Horn Cost: 2GBW Type: Legendary Planeswalker - Jendayi Pow/Tgh: /5 Rules Text: [+1]: Exile target player's graveyard. [-4]: Destroy target permanent. [-4]: Return target creature or enchantment that entered your graveyard this turn to the battlefield. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Onar, Titans' Dominions Mythic

Jendayi Black-Horn
Legendary Planeswalker – Jendayi
+1: Exile target player's graveyard.
-4: Destroy target permanent.
-4: Return target creature or enchantment that entered your graveyard this turn to the battlefield.
Updated on 09 Mar 2022 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2020-11-20 21:13:33: Sorrow created the card Jendayi Black-Horn
2022-03-08 17:29:08: Sorrow edited Jendayi Black-Horn:

"Return target creature... to "Return target creature or enchantment..." Though Jendayi is skilled with the circle of life magic, her color combination wanted a bit more for that ability.

I think a greater issue with the design is the mediocre first ability. Maybe +2? Right now -4, +1, -4 kills them, but going -4, +2, -4 and remaining on the battlefield seems more appropriate for a seven mana card.

This just seems quite bad overall. It costs 1 less than Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker or about the same as Karn Liberated but actually requires 3 different colors.

Especially the third ability is very weak. In addition to adjusting the loyalty costs, you could also lower its mana cost. Currently, I think I would be tempted to pick Vraska the Unseen over this - even if they had the same mana costs - so this seems way off as it costs {1}{w} more.

2022-03-09 05:04:30: Sorrow edited Jendayi Black-Horn:

Reduced mana value from 7 to 5 and starting loyalty the same amount

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