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CardName: Taasu, The Unmaker Cost: {8}GGGG Type: Legendary Creature - Hydra Shaman Pow/Tgh: 9/9 Rules Text: When Taasu, The Unmaker enters the battlefield, if Taasu was cast from your hand, permanents lose indestructible. Then, destroy all noncreature permanents. Exile a land from your graveyard: Taasu gets +3/+3 until end of turn. Flavour Text: "A reign is timed in memory, but destruction is never forgotten." Set/Rarity: Onar, Titans' Dominions Rare

Taasu, The Unmaker
Legendary Creature – Hydra Shaman
When Taasu, The Unmaker enters the battlefield, if Taasu was cast from your hand, permanents lose indestructible. Then, destroy all noncreature permanents.
Exile a land from your graveyard: Taasu gets +3/+3 until end of turn.
"A reign is timed in memory, but destruction is never forgotten."
Updated on 22 Mar 2023 by Sorrow

History: [-]

2020-11-19 15:18:50: Sorrow created the card Taasu, The Unmaker
2020-11-19 15:20:16: Sorrow edited Taasu, The Unmaker
2023-03-21 13:08:44: Sorrow edited Taasu, The Unmaker:

Added "if ~ was cast from your hand" to avoid reanimation cheese

That also stops it from being your commander

I don't think green gets armageddon effects

Hmm, green hasn't had this, though I believe green can still destroy a land individually. That being said, I'm inclined to think that this is a bend rather than a break.

As for not being a (practical) commander, I'm more okay with that, though I could probably just cut "from hand" to avoid cheese without making the player jump through hoops for the ETB ability in commander.

Green (and black) are tertiary in land destruction, yeah. I don't think tertiary lets you mass land destruction though

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