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CardName: Thopter Deployment Cost: U Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Kicker {6}{U} (You may pay an additional {6}{U} as you cast this spell.) Put a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying onto the battlefield. If Thopter Deployment was researched put three of those tokens onto the battlefield instead. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Tesla Card Dump Common

Thopter Deployment
Kicker {6}{u} (You may pay an additional {6}{u} as you cast this spell.)
Put a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying onto the battlefield. If Thopter Deployment was researched put three of those tokens onto the battlefield instead.
Updated on 04 May 2016 by Doombringer

History: [-]

2016-02-09 04:47:10: Doombringer created the card Thopter Deployment
2016-02-09 04:50:09: Inanimate edited Thopter Deployment:

"researches" -> "researched"

So, when Launch Thopter was on file, the default cast of {u} was mostly a concession to needing to be deciphered. I think it's real bad at the base cost. Though I don't know how well this effect would go over to be honest.

Think of an instant speed Triplicate Spirit that can also be a flash 1/1 flier.

Do note we already have Aerial Surveillance which has gone over very well.

Ah, it's an instant. Not a sorcery. K

2016-02-12 03:51:18: Doombringer edited Thopter Deployment:

added to skeleton

Would this not be considered a creature for skeleton purposes? We need to make room for a common level Counterspell of some kind.

Yes it counts as a creature. Put in your counterspell somewhere as I'll do detailed passovers of the common skeletons at a later date.

2016-02-12 16:59:18: CasualR edited Thopter Deployment:

Shifting skeleton position

I don't think we want this in blue at common. White needs Thopter Army more, I feel.

But we can only have a single white token maker at common and (((House Arrest))) is a far better design.

We could move this to uncommon and increase the power level. Then move to white or blue as needed.

This is a good point, Doombringer. And my point is moot - I just realized the effect I thought we had, we don't. See Rallying Propaganda

Our goal is for our Thopter cards at common to be strong - so they show up more often, and make Thopters feel like more of a presence despite their lack of numbers in the set - but I don't think this card is meeting that goal.

Additionally, it is EXTREMELY texty, far too much so for common, in my opinion. This is a problem for all of blue's current Research effects, so I'm looking into simpler ones.

2016-03-28 02:10:44: Inanimate edited Thopter Deployment:

Possibility for CU05.

2016-05-04 06:09:35: Doombringer moved the card Thopter Deployment from Tesla Project into Tesla Card Dump

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