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CardName: Monster Study Cost: 1G Type: Instant Pow/Tgh: / Rules Text: Kicker {5}{G} (You may pay an additional {5}{G} as you cast this spell.) Target creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn. If Monster Study was researched, that creature gets +6/+6 and trample until end of turn instead. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Tesla Card Dump Common

Monster Study
Kicker {5}{g} (You may pay an additional {5}{g} as you cast this spell.)
Target creature gets +3/+3 until end of turn. If Monster Study was researched, that creature gets +6/+6 and trample until end of turn instead.
Updated on 04 May 2016 by Doombringer

History: [-]

2016-02-09 03:19:11: Doombringer created the card Monster Study
2016-02-09 03:22:35: Doombringer edited Monster Study:

removed the counters and added trample.

Not sure if we want to mix +1/+1 counters in a set with renown.

2016-02-09 04:30:14: Doombringer edited Monster Study
2016-02-15 07:24:26: Doombringer edited Monster Study:

added to skeleton

Editing name real quick to fix flavor.

2016-02-17 17:53:44: Inanimate edited Monster Study

What was the name before?

Force of the Outlands. Seems contrary to the flavor of Research as technology, I think? Now it could be related to the Mutant subplot we seem to be developing.

Sooo this set is turning into Halitoth?

Not that that is a bad thing.

Haha, not that huge of a subplot, but yeah, maybe a lil bit. They both spring from similar inspirations.

2016-03-28 03:40:59: Inanimate edited Monster Study:

Possibility for CG13.

2016-04-27 16:52:43: Jackal edited Monster Study

Should this be 1 mana for +2/+2 to further distinguish it from (((Rise Up)))?

2016-05-04 06:10:04: Doombringer moved the card Monster Study from Tesla Project into Tesla Card Dump

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