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CardName: Magnetic Dragon Cost: 5RR Type: Creature - Dragon Pow/Tgh: 5/5 Rules Text: Flying At the beginning of your upkeep, you may return any number of artifacts from your graveyard to the battlefield. Sacrifice them at the beginning of the next end step. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Faith vs Science DD challenge Mythic

Magnetic Dragon
Creature – Dragon
At the beginning of your upkeep, you may return any number of artifacts from your graveyard to the battlefield. Sacrifice them at the beginning of the next end step.
Updated on 12 Sep 2015 by Doombringer

Code: MR01

History: [-]

2015-08-04 07:36:50: Charlie Grant created the card Magnetic Dragon

pls no

IDK if we really need 2 7+ cmc RRR cards

also it would be on upkeep not turn

2015-08-04 07:43:28: Charlie Grant edited Magnetic Dragon

Science needs a strong late game. Nothing for a late game like a big splashy dragon.

why not make it a 5RRR 8/8 that returns any number from your gy to the battlefield on etb

That was my original thought but thought it might be too powerful. But then it is 7+ CMC. 8 or 9 shouldn't make a difference.

2015-08-04 07:47:24: Charlie Grant edited Magnetic Dragon

*to the battlefield

2015-08-04 07:51:23: Charlie Grant edited Magnetic Dragon

I loathed drawing this card during PLAYTEST simply because the deck only once ever reached seven mana and played like a charm on six or less.

The Science deck in its current incarnation does not want a card that costs nine mana.

Unrelated to the playtest it simply feels wrong to have the biggest, baddest flier of the two decks not in the Angel-themed Faith-deck.

2015-09-12 03:02:33: Charlie Grant edited Magnetic Dragon:

Reduced cost, reduced power and toughness, changed to enter the battlefield effect

2015-09-12 11:36:38: Doombringer edited Magnetic Dragon:

changed back to upkeep trigger but made the return of artifacts only temporary. Also changed from 6cmc 6/6 to 7cmc 5/5

Shouldn't we give them haste so the creatures can attack?

Now you're just flickering them. That seems too good. I liked it as an ETB effect, but if you want to do it every upkeep, at least exile them at end of turn.

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