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CardName: Gnomish Rocketeer Cost: 2RR Type: Creature - Gnome Artificer Pow/Tgh: 3/2 Rules Text: Haste Tinker (When this permanent enters the battlefield, you may sacrifice an artifact.) When Gnomish Rocketeer tinkers, target creature gets +3/+0 and gains flying until end of turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Faith vs Science DD challenge Uncommon

Gnomish Rocketeer
Creature – Gnome Artificer
Tinker (When this permanent enters the battlefield, you may sacrifice an artifact.)
When Gnomish Rocketeer tinkers, target creature gets +3/+0 and gains flying until end of turn.
Updated on 12 Sep 2015 by Doombringer

Code: UR01

History: [-]

2015-08-04 04:10:40: CasualR created the card Gnomish Rocketeer

The buff/body balance is up for debate. The flavor seems to hit square on.

2015-08-04 04:46:57: CasualR edited Gnomish Rocketeer
2015-08-05 12:26:10: CasualR edited Gnomish Rocketeer:

gains -> gets. Riding a crazy rocket doesn't make you tougher.

2015-08-29 14:04:30: Doombringer edited Gnomish Rocketeer:

re-engineer -> tinker

Talking about it on remaking magic now for critique a card.

2015-09-07 12:50:18: CasualR edited Gnomish Rocketeer:

Making the untinkered body slightly more exciting. (2/2 -> 3/2, +4/+0 -> +3/+0)

2015-09-12 07:25:24: Doombringer edited Gnomish Rocketeer:

changed to targeted tinker

Is granting flying to a target creature really a red thing? There are many examples of giving it to yourself in red, but few for others, not without their impending death, which I don't think we should include in this ability.

Might be fine a la Shiv's Embrace

Temporary flying is, but normally it's followed by sacrifice, like in the case of Chuck.

its an acceptable bend. keeping this version for playtesting

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