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CardName: Tegra Mortician Cost: 1BB Type: Creature - Cat Cleric Pow/Tgh: 1/3 Rules Text: Deathtouch Cycling {1}{B}{B} ({1}{B}{B}, Discard this card: Draw a card.) When you cycle Tegra Mortician, target creature gains deathtouch until end of turn. Flavour Text: Set/Rarity: Gate to Ukmor Uncommon

Tegra Mortician
Creature – Cat Cleric
Cycling {1}{b}{b} ({1}{b}{b}, Discard this card: Draw a card.)
When you cycle Tegra Mortician, target creature gains deathtouch until end of turn.
Updated on 24 Feb 2016 by morlor

Code: UB04

History: [-]

2015-06-26 02:31:07: morlor edited Tegra Mortician
2016-02-23 05:44:53: morlor edited Tegra Mortician

feels weird that the creature has a really unique effect that it isn't at all echoed by the cycle effect.

yeah agreed. probably a good general principle to echo abilities unless there's a good flavour reason or w/e

Looking at this again, I really dislike that it's an uncounterable instant sign in blood. Iirc it's very rare to get instant card draw in black. Bad morlor.

May move this more in line with the rest of the cycle and give it a combat relevant keyword for creature and cycle mode.

2016-02-24 14:00:43: morlor edited Tegra Mortician:

Crrature: - 1/-1 to enemy on block/blocked - > deathtouch. Cycle: Draw 1 lose 2 - > deathtouch

yeah sweet, possibly a common now though

I think the instant deathtouch draw a card mode is strong enough to want this at uncommon

2016-02-24 14:08:12: morlor edited Tegra Mortician

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